FLVPlayer X is a wonderful tool for everyone who intents to download and play number of video files from their computer. FLVPlayer X is available for almost all windows operating system and it is also available for Mac OSX. FLVPlayer X is a smart tool with highly useful features packed within. FLVPlayer X can play all flash video files. FLVPlayer X has very good quality of video play by virtue of having high resolution H.264/MPEG 4 video codec support. FLVPlayer X is free tool with support available. Soon FLVPlayer X team is also managing to support inbuilt integrated FLV video downloading. FLVPlayer X also has very fast video navigation as well as key frame video mapping. FLVPlayer X has almost everything one is looking for, from a smart flash video player. FLVPlayer X has facility to resize the window along with facility to play the videos on Full screen playback option. With simple drag and drop facility FLVPlayer X allows users to play the video from any frame and view those selected scene as many time as they wont. Though the support available is bit slowly in response this is really a very good too.